SteelPeak Insurance Agency

Protecting Wealth

SteelPeak Estate and Insurance Agency provides insurance planning to minimize financial and other losses potentially associated with risks to your assets as a result of premature death, disability or long-term care needs. It's important to analyze the need for different types of insurance to ensure we are protecting your assets. In working with our industry expert affiliates, we will analyze the need for the various types of insurance.

Life Insurance

Protect your family from repercussions of premature death with a replacement of income or funds to pay off certain debts.

Long-Term Care Insurance

Long-term care expenses can deplete an estate. Insurance helps to mitigate that risk.

Disability Insurance

Protect your family from a loss of income due to unforeseen injuries that could take a toll on a lifetime of work.

Fixed Insurance Solutions

Through a detailed analysis, we will assess your need for Fixed Index Annuities.